
Friday, December 17, 2010

Internet technology concerns

This week I realize there are a lot of new and exciting technology options on the Internet that I would love to introduce into my classroom.  As I prepare to use more Internet technologies in my classroom there are a few concerns that come to mind.  First, I wonder how prepared I am to help navigate my students in the right direction.  Though I feel I am a digital native, I have not done a great job of staying current on the newest Internet resources available.  Technology is always changing so I fear what I teach my students may actually be outdated.  Secondly, I fear that my students may begin to use the Internet in ways other than intended.  I want them to feel free to explore and learn in a way that is best suited for them.  However, I also realize that guidelines need to be set.  Lastly, I fear that with so much technology being introduced how sure can I be that schools will be able to keep up with the demand. 

There are many ways to alleviate these fears.  I realize that I can't expect myself to know everything that is available right now.  I just have to be open and willing to learn new things.  I have to put myself in a position where I will prepared to learn.  Many times I feel time is a huge hindrance in my life, but allowing myself to stay open and take time to learn new things I can be better prepared and feel more confident in teaching my students new things.  In the process of introducing my students new things, I realize that teaching and reteaching Internet expectations are important.  I feel these skills will be just as critical as teaching any other expectation.  If students know what is expected at all times then I think I can alleviate my fear somewhat of them misusing Internet technology.  Lastly, in order to be sure Internet technology is available for my students I will need to plan ahead and ensure websites are not blocked.  I will also need to keep the lines of communication open with my technology coordinator.  That way I can have a heads up regarding new things, available things and Internet technology that is not available.

Though the amount of concerns I feel seem enormous, I feel the learning my students will have outweigh my fears.  Therefore, I have motivation and determination to work towards making myself aware of more things and being flexible enough within my classroom to allow learning, mistakes and relearning to take place. 

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